Thanks for taking the Lean Six Sigma Success Coaching Diagnostic. To give you an idea of your score and what it means, please reference the table below.

Insights Table for Lean Six Sigma Success Coaching Diagnostic

Use the table below for insights on where to focus your Lean Six Sigma Success Coaching efforts. If you scored low on a questions, read the respective “Action to Consider” for guidance on how to best address the low score.

Low Scoring QuestionAction to Consider
1. Senior management walks and talks the importance of your Lean Six Sigma program to your company’s success.Speak to senior leaders about engaging employees at all levels of the organization – focus on the importance of leading by example.
2. Projects within your portfolio directly link to your company’s strategic and financial goals.Take your current strategic goals & objectives and map them against your Lean Six Sigma portfolio. Reprioritize those activities not actively contributing to company strategy.
3. Your Leans Six Sigma candidates receive well-funded training and coaching support for their projects.Examine your belt candidates and their ability to execute projects using the tools and methods provided for in training.
4. The person(s) who own the process(es) that’s the target of improvement is(are) actively involved with the project team.Make sure process owner have a seat at the table across all projects being executed in their area.
5. The project team has easy and ample access to resources, subject matter experts, and IT staff needed to complete their projects in a timely manner.Lean Six Sigma is an investment, not a cost-cutting exercise. Ensure that teams, initiative leads, and others have what they need to succeed.
Insights Table

Taking Action on your Lean Six Sigma Success Coaching

Although the actions above may seem trivial, research has shown them to be critical success factors in Lean Six Sigma programs that deliver results. The other thing to consider is that a these are not overnight, one and done repairs. These are key principles that must be carried out daily to effect change and results in your organization.

More Information on Lean Six Sigma Success Coaching

A successful Lean Six Sigma Success Coaching effort required a collaborative effort across a skilled set of resources: